San Tan Youth Football League Eagles

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Game on…

September 12th, 2008 · No Comments

Well folks… Fall Camp officially concluded tonight as the Eagles underwent their final preparation for tomorrow’s season opener against the Diablos.  The boys have been doing the “little things right”… now it’s time to make “BIG THINGS HAPPEN”!!  Tomorrow’s kickoff is at 8am at Queen Creek Middle School.  Coach Gene has asked that the boys […]


Tags: Football

Eagles Undergo Final Preparations for Tomorrow’s Kickoff Gala

September 5th, 2008 · 2 Comments

UH-HUH…. YEEEEEAAAAAHHHH BOOOYYYYYYYY!  The Birds have sharpened their talons and are ready to spread their wings tomorrow as the STYFL kicks off the season with a round robin scrimmage featuring each of the STYFL clubs.  We’ll be covering the scrimmages tomorrow and providing some video footage, pictures, and sideline reporting of the event.The boys have […]


Tags: Football

Are You Ready for Some FOOTBALL?!

September 2nd, 2008 · No Comments

The Birds open the season this Saturday with a full day of festivities and a little football as well.  The Eagles will apparently be laying the smack down from 9:30-10:30am.  Should be a good litmus test to see where we stand relative to this season’s opposition.  Details below… OPENING DAY THIS SATURDAY FROM 9AM – […]


Tags: Football

Practice Schedule Update

September 2nd, 2008 · 1 Comment

Hey everyone… quick post here on practice this week.  Practice will be held as follows: Tuesday 9/2: 6-8pm Wednesday 9/3: 6-8pm Thursday 9/4: 6-8pm Friday 9/5: 6-8pm


Tags: Practice

Eagles Schedule Announced

August 22nd, 2008 · 2 Comments

Ladies and Gentlemen… the table has officially been set.  Time for these birds to eat!  Coach Gene, who turned 27 this week, dished out the game schedule at practice on Tuesday.  The general consensus in the peanut gallery was “Wow, only 6 games?”, but hey… it’s better than 5, right?  I’m personally just grateful that […]


Tags: Football

Quick Update… Pool Party After Friday’s Practice

August 14th, 2008 · No Comments

Hey all… I’m horribly pressed for time, but I thought I’d provide a real quick update.  The boys had a great practice last night.  So much so that the coaches called them together for an inspirational session just after practice.  The practice was tough and physical and the boys met the challenge head on.  Lots […]


Tags: Football

It’s on…

August 12th, 2008 · 1 Comment

Having met the requisite pre-conditioning requirement, the Eagles will don full pads for the first time tonight in a much anticipated progression of the preseason.  Tonight, as they say, we’ll separate the men from the boys.  After last night’s practice, I caught up with Drew Ball (imagine that) who had this to say about full […]


Tags: Pre-Season

Lightning Grounds Eagles Practice

August 7th, 2008 · No Comments

Hey Eagles fans!  Week one is going extremely well as the boys are starting to whip into shape.  Tonight’s practice was cut short due to a rather large storm that rolled into town around 7 pm.  You know the boys are pretty jacked up for the season when many actually seemed a little bummed that […]


Tags: Laundry Items

Request for Opening Day Ideas

August 5th, 2008 · No Comments

Jenny sent out an email requesting ideas for the Opening Day on September 6th.  The Eagles club has to come up with two Carnival Games and Two Vendors for the event.  If you have any ideas… post them to the comments section below and we’ll forward them along to Jenny.  I’d post her email address […]


Tags: Laundry Items

Eagles Kick-off Season with Conditioning Drills

August 5th, 2008 · No Comments

Hallelujah… the football season is no longer just around the corner, it’s here folks… in all of it’s splendid glory!  The 2008 Mighty Might Eagles took the field as a unit for the very first time last night to begin the requisite pre-conditioning routine.  I have to admit, I was impressed with the kids as […]


Tags: Practice