San Tan Youth Football League Eagles

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STYFL Announces Changes, Eagles Future Hangs in the Balance

April 11th, 2008 · 2 Comments

Well folks, there are going to be some changes next year that could spell the end of the STYFL Eagles football club as we knew it. According to, the changes will help the league, “manage league operations more effectively and provide more evenly matched competition for all of our players”. So, how are things […]


Tags: Football

Super Bowl Sunday!!

February 3rd, 2008 · No Comments

On what’s generally thought to be the biggest sporting event in the world, the Patriots face the Giants in their quest for perfection.  I’m not a big fan of either team, but it should be an interesting match up.  If I had to go one way or another… I guess I’d have to go with […]


Tags: NFL Launched

January 20th, 2008 · No Comments

Hey everyone… I recently put together another web site,, that is sports related that I thought some of you might think was interesting. The site is just a blog at the moment, but I have some bigger, bolder plans for the domain in the future. I’m intending to make the site social networking site […]


Tags: Football

STYFL Announces Winter Scrimmages and Training Camp

January 7th, 2008 · No Comments

The STYFL recently posted an article to their site informing interested parties of their Winter Scrimmages and Training Camp to take place in February. “Our objective is to provide quality instruction of football fundamentals and conditioning for both new and returning players. Additionally, the players will get simulated game repetitions on a weekly basis where […]


Tags: Football

Happy New Year!!

January 3rd, 2008 · No Comments

Hey all… the Ball family just wanted to extend our best wishes and hope that you all have a wonderful and prosperous 2008! Just think, the football season starts again in about 8 months! Not sure about y’all, but Drew’s pretty pumped. Perhaps you hadn’t heard the news, but rumor has it that Coach Gene […]


Tags: Football

Offseason Blues

December 7th, 2007 · No Comments

Wow, do I miss the football season! Drew and I are pretty excited about the season the Oregon Ducks have put together, but Dixon going down in the Arizona game really put a damper on our national championship hopes. Meanwhile, our beloved Eagles (of the Philly variety) continue to figure out a way to snatch […]


Tags: Football

Eagles End Season in Style

November 14th, 2007 · 2 Comments

I’ve got to admit… entirely too much time went by since I uploaded the photo from the Eagles year end party.  It was a great way to wrap up an unbelievable season for the boys in green.  Each of the boys took turns receiving their moment in the spotlight as the coaches handed out trophies […]


Tags: Football

Party Time!!

November 10th, 2007 · No Comments

Hey Eagles… are you ready to party til you turn purple? Well you’ll have a chance to do just that at next week’s Season’s End Football party. The party will be held on November 14th from 6:00 to 8:00pm at the Will Rogers Community Club House (20485 E. Colt Drive… between Hawes and Ellsworth off […]


Tags: Fan Zone · Football

Eagles Fall to Predators

November 4th, 2007 · No Comments

The Eagles faced off against the Predators Saturday night in the semi-finals of the San Tan Youth Football League playoffs. Earlier in the season, the Predators were victorious over the Eagles 13-6. This game figured to be a similar dogfight as the two teams seemed evenly matched across the board. The game didn’t turn out […]


Tags: Football · Game Summaries · Playoffs

Eagles Bury Miner 34-0, Rematch with Predators Looming

November 3rd, 2007 · No Comments

The Eagles picked up where they left off last week and took it to the Miners again today in the quarterfinal round of the STYFL playoffs at Prospector Park in Apache Junction. The kids from Queen Creek were sharp on both sides of the ball as they dominated the Miners from the opening kickoff to […]


Tags: Football · Game Summaries · Playoffs